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“The women who become the inspiring gem, inspire a lot of life ahead. It’s important to tell society that we don’t need very loud victories to acknowledge and celebrate but the life of a woman who’s self-conscious and motivated is inspiring enough to be celebrated every day.”
Dr. Shivangi Maletia


QITM is an initiative for psycho- spiritual self-empowerment of Indian women worldwide and propagates ‘spirituality’ as the ‘Xfactor’ in the growth of a modern successful multitasking woman.

To further enrich the learning process, we’ve incorporated ‘INSPIRING GEMS OF INDIA’ awards to outline and bring to the forefront the faces of numerous Queens who are the real heroes of the society, their small worlds, and their working clans.

The Queens inspire us to become better with every passing moment, to pursue our dreams the easy way, and to make life beautiful as a whole for everyone around them.

Their real-life stories and their shining presence embarks on similar journeys for the rest of the Queens.

A Glimpse of 2022 IGOI awards Since 2017